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Definition of a Repository Ruleset, the following properties are supported:

Key Value Description Notes
name string The name of this repository ruleset
enforcement string The enforcement status of this ruleset Possible values are active, disabled or evaluate (evaluate only available when enterprise billing is enabled)
bypass_actors list[BypassActor] List of actors able to bypass this ruleset
include_refs list[RefMatcher] List of refs or patterns to include matching branches
exclude_refs list[RefMatcher] List of refs or patterns to exclude matching branches
allows_creations boolean If disabled, only allows users with bypass permission to create matching refs
allows_deletions boolean If disabled, only allows users with bypass permission to delete matching refs
allows_updates boolean If disabled, only allows users with bypass permission to push matching refs
allows_force_pushes boolean If disabled, only allows users with bypass permission to force push matching refs
requires_pull_request boolean If enabled, requires a pull request before merging. All commits must be made to a non-protected branch and submitted via a pull request before they can be merged into matching branches
required_approving_review_count integer or null If specified, pull requests targeting a matching branch require a number of approvals and no changes requested before they can be merged. Only taken into account when requires_pull_request is enabled, should be set to null when requires_pull_request is disabled
dismisses_stale_reviews boolean If enabled, dismiss approved reviews automatically when a new commit is pushed Only taken into account when requires_pull_request is enabled
requires_code_owner_review boolean If enabled, require an approved review in pull requests including files with a designated code owner Only taken into account when requires_pull_request is enabled
requires_last_push_approval boolean Whether the most recent push must be approved by someone other than the person who pushed it Only taken into account when requires_pull_request is enabled
requires_review_thread_resolution boolean If enabled, all conversations on code must be resolved before a pull request can be merged into a matching branch Only taken into account when requires_pull_request is enabled
requires_status_checks boolean If enabled, status checks must pass before branches can be merged into a matching branch
requires_strict_status_checks boolean If enabled, pull requests targeting a matching branch must have been tested with the latest code. This setting will not take effect unless at least one status check is enabled
required_status_checks list[StatusCheck] List of status checks that must succeed before branches can be merged Only taken into account when requires_status_checks is enabled
requires_commit_signatures boolean If enabled, commits pushed to matching branches must have verified signatures
requires_linear_history boolean If enabled, prevent merge commits from being pushed to matching branches
requires_deployments boolean If enabled, environments must be successfully deployed to before branches can be merged into a matching branch
required_deployment_environments list[string] List of environments that must be successfully deployed to before branches can be merged Only taken into account when requires_deployments is enabled

Rulesets can be used for use-cases (e.g. to support auto merging of pull requests) that can not be modelled with Branch Protection Rules:

  • define a set of required status checks
  • define a set of users that can bypass pull requests

Branch Protection Rules always consider the required status checks, even when directly pushing to the branch, e.g. when no pull request is required, or you can push due to a bypass allowance. This can be modelled with Rulesets though, as the bypass actors as defined for a Ruleset are taken into account for all settings (except allows_force_pushes), while the bypass allowance for Branch Protection Rules only apply for pull requests in general.

Jsonnet Function

orgs.newRepoRuleset('<name>') {
  <key>: <value>

Validation rules

  • setting enforcement to evaluate for an organization on a free plan triggers an error
  • enabling a setting that is only taken into account when another setting is enabled, triggers a warning, e.g. dismisses_stale_reviews is only valid when requires_pull_request is enabled
  • specifying an integer value for required_approving_review_count while requires_pull_request is disabled, triggers a warning, set it to null instead

Example usage

orgs.newOrg('adoptium') {
  _repositories+:: [
    orgs.newRepo('') {
      description: "Adoptium Website",
      homepage: "",
      rulesets: [
        orgs.newRepoRuleset('main') {
          bypass_actors+: [
          include_refs+: [
          required_approving_review_count: 0,