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The import operation will retrieve the current live settings for the specified GitHub organization and store them locally in a file <github-id>/<github-id>.jsonnet in the organization specific working directory.


  -c, --config FILE  configuration file to use  [default: otterdog.json]
  -f, --force        skips interactive approvals
  -n, --no-web-ui    skip settings retrieved via web ui

  --local            work in local mode, not updating the referenced default config

  -v, --verbose      enable verbose output (-vvv for more verbose output)
  -h, --help         Show this message and exit.


If the organization contains some secret values, e.g. webhooks with secrets, or organization / repository secrets, already resolved secret values in the existing configuration file will be copied over to the newly imported.


tn@proteus:~/workspace/eclipse/EclipseFdn/otterdog-configs$ otterdog import adoptium -f

Importing resources for configuration at '.../otterdog-configs/otterdog.json'

Organization adoptium[id=adoptium]

Existing definition copied to '.../otterdog-configs/orgs/adoptium/adoptium.jsonnet.bak'.

  Copying secrets from previous configuration.
  Organization definition written to '.../otterdog-configs/orgs/adoptium/adoptium.jsonnet'.