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Otterdog requires Python 3.10+ to run.

System requirements

A few system dependencies are required to be installed:

Mandatory system dependencies

apt install python3 python3-pip
  • poetry: Python package manager
curl -sSL | python3 -
  • go: Go language compiler, v1.13+, needed for installing jsonnet-bundler
apt install golang
go install -a

Optional system dependencies

Depending on the type of credential system you are using, install one of the following tools:

snap install bw
apt install pass

Build instructions

After installing the required system dependencies, a virtual python environment needs to be setup and populated with all python dependencies:

$ make init

You should be set to finally run otterdog:

$ ./ --version

Additionally, make init creates a symlink called otterdog in ~/.local/bin, so you can also run it like that:

$ otterdog --version

Shell integration

To enable shell completion, add the following snippet to your shell configuration file (~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc):

eval "$(_OTTERDOG_COMPLETE=bash_source otterdog)"
eval "$(_OTTERDOG_COMPLETE=zsh_source otterdog)"

When running otterdog in a directory that contains a otterdog.json file, shell completion will be able to suggest organizations found in the otterdog.json file.